Fees and Payment Guidelines





In order to submit a manuscript, R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais) of submission fee will be charged. The submission fee cannot be refunded, and the payment must be made through bank transfer or window deposit (DEPOSITS AT AN ATM OR DEPOSIT SCHEDULE ARE NOT ACCEPTED); upon submission authors must upload a PDF image of the deposit slip in “Additional Documents” at the Revista Caatinga website.


Bank Details:

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal (104)

Branch code: 1013-8

Account number: 543-4

Account type: 003 (checking account)


CNPJ: 08.350.241/0001-72


If the manuscript is not accepted for publication, the submission fee cannot be used for further submission or be refunded.

Paying the submission fee does not guarantee that the manuscript will be published in the journal. The manuscript will be appreciated by the Editorial Board, and it will go through rounds of editing to possibly reach the final acceptance.




A publication fee of R$ 1,000.00 (thousand reais) will be charged. The payment must be made through bank transfer or window deposit (DEPOSITS AT AN ATM OR DEPOSIT SCHEDULE ARE NOT ACCEPTED).


ATTENTION: publication fee must be paid only when required by the journal’s financial department. Otherwise, publication fees are not accepted or refunded if paid without being required by the journal’s financial department.

Bank Details:

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal (104)

Branch code: 1013-8

Account number: 543-4

Account type: 003 (checking account)


CNPJ: 08.350.241/0001-72




International manuscripts are defined as those whose fees are paid from any country but Brazil. In these cases, authors must pay submission and publication fees as well as the following bank charges:


Money order fee

Exchange rate

Foreign Exchange contract

Tax on financial transactions

The journal’s financial department will inform the amount of bank charges to authors as they are required to pay the fees.