Arthrogryposis in a collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu)


  • Matheus Wagner Paulino de Sousa
  • Parmênedes Dias de Brito
  • Vicente de Paula Feitosa
  • Marcelo Barbosa Bezerra
  • Benito Soto-Blanco



Collared peccaries are wild animals that have been bred for commercial and conservational purposes. However, the occurrence of malformations is one of the factors that contribute to reduction of reproductive efficiency. Arthrogryposis is a malformation characterized by fore or hind members curvature, constant flexure or extension. The present report describes for the first time arthrogryposis in a collared peccary. The case occurred at Centre for Wild Animals Multiplication from Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido (UFERSA), Mossoró city, RN, Brazil. A 3 days old male collared peccary pup was found weak because it was not able to suckle on his mother. It was verified arthrogryposis in all members, but any other malformation was evidenced. The occurrence of arthrogryposis affected pup’s survival. It was rejected by his mother; this leaded to its death. Keywords: Malformation, arthrogryposis, collared peccary, Tayassu tajacu


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