Physiology and quality during maturation of fruits of umbuzeiro genotypes




Spondias tuberosa. Respiratory rate. Maturity evolution. Identity standard. Adding value.


Spondias tuberosa fruits are extractively exploited and its use viability is dependent on factors such as occurrence, ripening, and maturity at harvest, which influence quality and contribute to increased perishability. This study evaluates the physiology and quality changes during maturation of fruits of umbuzeiro genotypes from the states of Paraiba and Pernambuco. Fruits from 16 umbuzeiro genotypes were harvested at three maturity stages in the municipalities of Casserengue–PB and Brejo da Madre de Deus-PE. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design, adopting a 16 × 3 factorial scheme with 16 genotypes, three maturity stages, and four replications per plant. Umbu fruits have a typical climacteric respiratory pattern, with the respiratory peak onset being dependent on the maturity stage at harvest, and fruit firmness being a maturity indicator. PB2, PE11, PE12, PE13, PE14, and PE16 fruits had a more intense peel color. Among these, PE11, PE12, and PE14 fruits were of greater size and fresh mass when ripe, exceeding approximately 50% of the mean values reported in the literature, and PE15 and PE9 had the highest pulp yield. Among the 16 genotypes, nine had lower acidity content, which adds  value to fresh consumption when harvested at green yellowish and yellow greenish maturity stages. The soluble solids content of green yellowish and yellow greenish fruits from all genotypes were higher than those set by the Brazilian Identity and Quality Standards, which is 9.0%.


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