Contamination by petroleum products on plant growth and soil microbiological indicators


  • Kaline Soares da Silva Department of Nuclear Energy, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
  • Cydianne Cavalcante da Silva Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil
  • María Carolina Ramírez Hernández Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil
  • Yansen Maxwell Herrera Castellanos Department of Agricultural Science and Production, Escola Agricola Pan-Americana Zamorano, San Antonio de Oriente, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
  • Marcio Abraão Cavalcante Albuquerque Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil
  • Francisca Daniele da Silva Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil
  • Arthur Allan Sena de Oliveira Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil
  • Daniel Valadão Silva Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brazil



Petroleum hydrocarbons. Environmental pollution. Species for remediation.


Oil-derived compounds present in the soil can compromise plant growth and inhibit the development of the microbial population. These contaminants reduce soil porosity, hinder water absorption, and can disrupt plant metabolic processes. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of the presence of three hydrocarbons in the soil on the growth and development of forage species and on soil microbiological indicators. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using a randomized block design with four replications. Treatments were arranged in a 5×4 factorial, with the first factor consisting of the species evaluated (Pennisetum glaucum, Zea mays, Brachiaria ruziziensis, Panicum maximum and Sorghum bicolor) and the second factor corresponding to the presence of contaminants: benzene, toluene or xylene and soil without contaminants. The species were grown for 42 days. The tolerance of the species depended on the type of contaminant present in the soil. The total dry matter of P. glaucum was reduced by 26%, 10% and 32% for toluene, benzene and xylene, respectively. Z. mays had its growth reduced in the presence of toluene (13%) and benzene (21%). S. bicolor had its dry matter increased by 58% with xylene. B. ruziziensis and P. maximum were tolerant to all contaminants. The magnitude of the effects of contaminants on soil microbiological indicators depended on the species grown. The tolerance of plants and soil microbial community to contaminants depends on the forage species used and should be an important aspect when selecting plants to restore degraded areas.


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