



Integrated system. Soil quality. Soil microbiology. Crop rotation.


The combination of grain and livestock production in integrated Crop-Livestock systems (iCLs) provide the opportunity to increase yields, improve soil attributes and ensure the sustainability of the agricultural system. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of seven land use systems on their microbiota. Five iCL systems were implemented in 2005 in Santa Carmem, MT, Brazil, with different rotating crops: iCL A (soybean/maize, preceded by two years with pasture), iCL B (rice/maize, preceded by two years with soybean/intercropped pasture), iCL C (soybean/maize, preceded by three years with pasture), iCL D (pasture/maize, preceded by five soybean/maize or millet intercropped with pasture) and iCL E (pasture/maize, preceded by three years with pasture). These were compared with two reference systems: a conventional soybean/maize succession system (CC) and native forest (NF). Soils were collected (0.00-0.20 m) and the population dynamics of fungi, bacteria, actinobacteria and cellulolytic microorganisms were evaluated over the course of two years (2012 and 2013). Likewise, carbon stocks of microbial biomass (CBM); metabolic quotient (qCO2); basal respiration (RB); acid (AP) and alkaline (ALP) phosphatases; β-glycosidase (BG) and urease of soil were assessed. The iCLs systems improved the performance of soil microbiota compared to the conventional system. The rotation of legume and grasses preceded by pasture in iCL A and C, increased the total fungi, bacteria, actinobacteria, enzymatic activity and CBM stocks. This fact contributed to an increased efficiency in environmental performance and added greater sustainability to the system.



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