Technical analysis on the general characteristics of wind farms in RN


  • Gabriel Luiz Dantas UFERSA
  • Daniel Crisostomo UFERSA



: Brazil has a huge wind potential, specially in the Rio Grande do Norte, that is, at the moment, the state with the highest wind energy capacity installed in the country, approaching investors every year for new wind projects implementation. This article approaches the main features that go throught of the wind farms and wind turbines of RN, seeking to trace aspects about the installed wind power, number of wind turbines by wind farm, turbine power, tower height, rotor diameter, energy distribution by region of concentration of wind enterprises, manufacturers and wind turbine typology. For this information’s gathering, data were collected from the generation information systems of National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) and ePowerBay, which was also possible determinate the wind turbines typology of commercial turbines model in the state. These data ware analyzed and discussed using statistical tables and graphs. It was possible to conclude, in this way, the importance of set down the profile of wind farms in RN as an informative guide about the general panorama of wind industry in state, for use as a research base to deepen the analyzed parameters of wind farms and wind turbines, in addition to the applicability of this research methodology to other states and regions.


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2021-12-06 — Updated on 2022-05-20



