Sinalizador sonoro de distância para deficientes visuais com sensor ultrassônico HC-SR04


  • Thifany Kaliny dos Santos de Souza Queiroz UERN e IFRN
  • Marinaldo Pinheiro de Sousa Neto Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Stefany Kariny dos Santos de Souza Queiroz UFERSA



Abstract: It is known that the visually impaired person faces several impasses and difficulties, and Social Technology is an opportunity to alleviate this social problem, while meeting the requirements of simplicity, low cost, easy applicability and proven social impact. The present work has as general objective to develop a prototype of a device that uses sound pulses to alert the visually impaired of the existence of obstacles. For the execution of the project, an Arduino Uno board, inexpensive and easy to program, was used, ultrasonic sensor, loudspeaker for sound signals, LCD display and LED for light signals. A simulation of the prototype in software was carried out and the assembly of the previously simulated device was carried out and, later, tests were carried out with the prototype. In this way, the sensor warns by an audible signal when there is an obstacle at a distance of less than 2 m, preventing the visually impaired person from having an accident or not being able to deviate from the object in time.

Key-words: Ultrasonic Sensor. Arduino. Visual impairment.


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-07-18



