Projeto e execução de um sistema de medição da velocidade para um veículo aéreo não tripulado


  • Higor Jales Dantas Univrsidade Federal Rural do Semi-Ardo
  • Daut de Jesus Nogueira Peixoto Couras UFERSA



With the advancement of the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), the society of mobility engineers promote, among all engineering students, an exchange of knowledge, focused on aeronautical engineering, through a competition in which UFERSA's Aerodesign team, PegAzuls, participates. In it, students are challenged to produce an aircraft as efficiently as possible. One way to validate the calculated dimensions is to obtain practical results of the aircraft such as speed, with this, this work presents the development of a device capable of measuring the speed of the aircraft and storing this data to be processed later. For that, the device uses an Arduino® Pro-mini, in addition to components such as a Pitot tube, a pressure sensor, SD module, phenolite board, battery, led and on/off switch. To validate the operation of the device, a static and dynamic test was carried out and the results obtained by the device were compared with the results obtained by an anemometer (instrument for comparison and calibration of the system). After the tests, it was possible to obtain satisfactory and consistent results, where it was concluded that the device was capable of performing the proposed functions.


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