Access to distributed solar PV generation in the social housing sector


  • Victor Constantino de Castro Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido (UFERSA)
  • Fabiana Karla Oliveira Martins Varella Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA)



The aim of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of introducing access to distributed solar PV
generation in the social housing sector, through a case study carried out in the housing complex located in the
city of Serra do Mel, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The analysis was based on research into Brazil's
housing deficit and the public policies taken to solve it, such as the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. The
methodology applied was initially carried out through interviews with the residents and owners of houses in
the complex in the town of Serra Do Mel/RN, as well as those responsible for the program in the municipality,
with the aim of identifying the families' electricity consumption profile, the equipment that best meets this
demand, and the technical and economic viability of the proposed scenarios. The results showed that the
implementation is feasible and initially financially applicable since the town is in a region abundant in solar
irradiation and there is no need to make changes to the structure of homes.


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