Protótipo de sistema direcionador de vento automatizado para aerogeradores de eixo horizontal


  • Bruno Matheus Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
  • Lucas Vinícius
  • Stephano Marques
  • Fabiana Karla
  • Marcelo Roberto



The world energy matrix has undergone several changes due to the insertion of new renewable energy sources in recent years, caused by the concern about the socio-environmental and political impacts from the use of fossil fuels. Among the sustainable sources of energy, solar, hydro and especially wind power can be highlighted. Aiming at the importance of renewable sources of wind energy and the need to improve their efficiency, this article presents the process of developing a prototype of a horizontal axis wind turbine, with an automated system that rotates the axis according to the wind direction. During the process, due priority was given to the use of recyclable and low-cost components for the construction of the prototype, where the results showed a voltage generation close to the nominal voltage of the engine responsible for the conversion of kinetic energy into electricity. The prototype can still be used for didactic purposes and as a basis for future studies and improvement.


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