Mobile elliptical solar cooker: an alternative technology for the cooking process


  • Francisco José Sombra Jr
  • Luiz José de Bessa Neto UFERSA
  • Edson Freire Targino
  • Fabiana Karla de Oliveira Martins Varella Guerra



Solar irradiation in Brazil has very significant values annually, and with regard to the Brazilian territory, this resource is responsible for reaching high numbers in the generation of energy through solar radiation almost all year round, as happens, for example, in the region Northeast. In this sense, this favorable scenario has motivated the dissemination of several technologies using solar energy, as well as research related to the use of various equipment, such as the solar cooker for cooking food. Thus, in order to verify the performance of the prototype, rice, sweet potatoes, eggs and beans were cooked. Allied to this, the data concerning temperature values, solar irradiance and cooking time during the cooking process were analyzed. Through the development of this work, it was noticed that the adjustments made to the focal position during the tests provided significant gains, denoting that the present prototype presents itself as a useful alternative technology to optimize the cooking process.

Key-words: Solar energy; Elliptical solar cooker; Food cooking


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