Analysis of the implementation of energy efficiency measures in a small ceramic industry in Russas/CE


  • Luiz José de Bessa Neto UFERSA
  • Francisco José Sombra Jr
  • Fabiana Karla de Oliveira Martins Varella Guerra



The ceramic industry segment in Brazil is linked to the civil construction sector, with an estimated share of the national GDP at 1%. In Ceará, for example, the ceramic industry segment is in a process of restructuring. In this bias, the present work presents a case study of energy efficiency referring to the electrical part in a small ceramic industry located in the city of Russas-CE. The objective is to study the feasibility of implementing some energy efficiency measures within the scope of the present industry, as well as to analyze the possibility of switching from tariff group B3 to group A4 and, later, to investigate the economic impacts related to such transmutations. With the development of the current study, it was observed that simple actions concerning energy efficiency, such as possible rotations and replacements of electric motors in the ceramic industry, can provide significant improvements in the entire production process, expressing savings in the monthly consumption of electric energy of approximately 3,200 kWh. Furthermore, it is concluded that the change from the tariff group B3 to the A4 group, inserted in the Horo Sazonal Verde tariff modality, is advantageous for the industry, considering that it would be saving approximately R $ 16,000.00 in three months. consumption.


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