
  • Giselle Costa de Sousa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • José Damião Souza de Oliveira


The work deals with the disclosure of a proposal of activities for teaching Euclidean Plane to light the historical problem of Lorenzo Mascheroni (1750-1800) through software GeoGebra. The problem became known in the work La del Geometry Compass, published in 1797, which gives the possibility to perform all geometric constructions Euclidean plane - where the information sought would be points - using only the compass. For the proposed inclusion of this issue in higher education, particularly in the aforementioned discipline, we support you, because in mathematical research Bridge, Brocade and Oliveira (2005) and considerations about the use of computers in mathematics education by Borba and Hairstyle (2007) in order to produce a sequence of historical activities potentiated via TIC, especially by software GeoGebra for teaching Euclidean geometry. Thus, through bibliographic research, we present initial considerations about the problem mentioned on Mascheroni and historical solution and then development, we consider the possibilities of alliance with TIC. Further, we show the proposed activities based on the work and saw GeoGebra.


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