Some qualitative aspects of beef meat: a review


  • Dorgival Morais de Lima Júnior UFRPE
  • Adriano Henrique do Nascimento Rangel
  • Stela Antas Urbano
  • Michel do Vale Maciel
  • Laura Priscila de Araújo Amaro



Beef meat is the main source of animal protein in the diet of the Brazilian. However, the consumer is not aware of the meat quality parameters such as color, softness and lipid composition for example. The color of meat is the main parameter used in the trial of consumer buying and influence the purchase of the product on the shelves of markets. The tenderness of beef is the parameter that loyalty is associated with the consumer and the overall quality of the product. The lipid composition of meat has frequently been associated with health, since it is the main source of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. This review aimed to address some of the attributes that influence the quality of beef to apply them in accordance with the consumer. Keywords: Fatty acids, color, softness


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