Development, mathematical modeling and simulation of a PLC driven robotic arm


  • Luiz José de Bessa Neto UFERSA
  • Josias Guimarães Batista
  • Marcello Anderson F. B. Lima Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará
  • Josileudo Rodrigues Leite Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará
  • Antônio Neilton da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará



This work presents the development of the prototype of a robotic manipulator activated by a PLC - Programmable Logic Controller, as well as its mathematical modeling. The manipulator has two degrees of freedom, which allows the movement and displacement of mechanical parts, tools and small objects in general, through an electronic system. At this juncture, the objective is to make the mathematical modeling of kinematics (direct, inverse and differential), as well as the dynamics of the robotic manipulator. Accordingly, it is intended to carry out the simulation of the trajectory generation in the robot MATLAB® to describe the translation and rotation between two adjacent links of the robot using the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. Based on mathematical modeling, as well as on the results obtained in the simulation, it is concluded that the robotic manipulator developed in this study shows a great potential to satisfactorily perform the functions of displacement and movement of mechanical parts, tools and objects in general in the industrial scope. since the robot has a well-defined trajectory, with considerable velocity and acceleration values.

Key-words: Kinematics; Dynamics; Denavit–Hartenberg; Robotic manipulator


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