Kidney vascularization in cavies (Kerodon rupestris Wied, 1820)


  • Gleidson Benevides Oliveira Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mestrando em Ciência Animal-PPCA/UFERSA
  • Márcio Nogueira Rodrigues Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo
  • José Fernando Gomes Albuquerque Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido/ Departamento de Ciências Animais
  • Danilo José Ayres Menezes Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Acadêmica de Medicina Veterinária.
  • Moacir Franco Oliveira Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, PPG em Ciência Animal



We studied 11 pairs of kidneys from rock cavies, whose arteries and veins were injected with red or blue neoprene latex 450, and the animals were subsequently put in formaldehyde solution at 10% for at least 48 hours. Then the kidneys were dissected in order to permit the observation of the behavior of renal arteries and veins. The renal arteries were always single and divided primarily into dorsal and ventral sectorial branches, which, in turn, branched and were distributed by the cranioventral, craniodorsal, caudoventral and caudodorsal renal sectors, and craniocaudoventral and craniocaudodorsal limits. The sectorial arteries inserted into the renal hilum and the extrahilar region. The renal sectorial arteries presented one or two branches in the cranioventral, caudoventral and craniodorsal sectors and one branch in the caudodorsal, craniocaudoventral and craniocaudodorsal sectors in the right kidney. In the left one, it varied from one to two segments for the cranioventral, caudoventral, craniodorsal and caudodorsal sectors, and one segment for the craniocaudoventral and craniocaudodorsal sectors. Regarding the drainage of the kidney, it was found in ten animals that the renal vein was single and only one sample in this study presented two branches situated in the cranioventral quadrant. The left renal vein did not branch and was present in the craniocaudoventral limit. Keywords: Kidney, renal hilum, vascularization, rodent.


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