The value of procedural costs in the Court of Justice in Rio Grande do Norte: a new proposal for its definition


  • Raimundo Márcio Ribeiro Lima
  • Roberto Barroso Moura ADVOCACIA GERAL DA UNIÃO



This study aims to address the issue of court costs in the judiciary system, focusing on the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Norte - TJRN, discussing its reasonableness due to the services provided, obstacles that cause the enjoyment of the right to action in a broad sense, the factors that determine the amounts charged and the relationship with legal gratuity. The analysis of the theme will allow us to identify how the court costs are defined and the implications of the value attributed to it on the exercise of the right of action. That is, we face the problem of the amounts charged for access to the judiciary and the implications of this to move the jurisdiction. Thus, it is intended to demonstrate arguments that will justify a review of the way the topic is approached, presenting the main clashes on the subject, indicating the position of the doctrine and jurisprudence, especially of the Supreme Court. To this end, data collected from the National Council of Justice, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the TJRN are analyzed. Thus, it will be demonstrated that it is necessary to rethink the way the calculation that defines the value of the costs is performed so that there is greater signal between the services rendered and the amounts charged.


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