O Humor na era do arroba
análise de conteúdo dos posts "descontraídos” no Instagram do Detran/RN
Comunicação Institucional, Jornalismo, Instagram, Humor, Institutional communication, JournalismAbstract
The emergence of new communication technologies and the expansion of the Internet have given rise to different forms of mediated interaction, which interferes with the way organizations relate to the public. This is the case of social networks and new approaches to communicative strategies based on a more informal textual and imagery language, marked by humorous discourses. Given this, this paper seeks to analyze the use of this type of language in factual content in certain posts of the Instagram feed of the Rio Grande do Norte State Department of Traffic (DETRAN/RN). For this research a content analysis will be performed and will be considered concepts that involve formal and informal institutional communication; beyond elements that permeate journalism. The study allowed us to observe that the use of less formal texts and images in DETRAN/RN's Instagram publications has become increasingly common, with the purpose of establishing closer communication with the citizen by transmitting information such as laws and fines de traffic in a more relaxed way.
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